According to the study of the origin of the name, one remembers  that  like the last name, can have undergone dialectales  variations, forms contraidas in disminutivos or errors, due to mistaken transcriptions. We considered that the Pedicini- Pedicino  name  is  original  of  Pedicini,  of  which  we  have  successfully  obtained   the  following  historicas news, extragoings  of   bibliograficas  sources  of  Araldis.  Family  of  feudataria  and  patricia  old  Benevento privileged by the emperor  Carlos V  in 1536, benefitted in 1733 with I title of Marquesses of Luogosano, and new recruit in the book of the horsemen of Malta  by justice, by  priority. In 1757, they happen to be part of the commander Pietro Paola Pacca, despues  of  to  have fulfilled the test of Virgilio  Pedicino, first generation from 1540. This family  I participate in the history of Napoles and its experiences, participating in  the nobility and the institutional positions of the same city, created by the kings who reigned in the ducato of Napoles. Many  kingdoms have passed by this Bizantina province, directed by dux. In the 638 Napoles  dependia of the governor of Sicily and  next directed by the emperor. Duca-vescovo Stefano II was first of the Dukes  who  went away  happening by around a century,  followed by the inheriting Dukes. Ademas de Napoles the ducato comprendia Pozzuoli, Sorrento and the Earth of the work. The  golden age was century X under the reign of Gregorio III, Anastasio II, Gregorio IV  and Giovani II, in those periods the  Dukes had an effective defense of their independence and  a  strong  action  to  move  away  to  the  Muslims  of the Low Tirreno,  giving I title of nobility to numerous families between who was this. Towards century XI, beginning of the decay of the ducato,  despues of a series of interventions of the Bizantinos and the Longobardos of the principality of capua, by those who Sergio  IV, was forced to ask for aid to the  Normanos  as  soon  as  arrived  Mediodia,  and  as  he  compensates to such aid had to  compensate to the head of them, Rainolfo  Orengot,  granting  Aversa.  In  1077,  the  progressive  Normana  expansion  I  force  to   the several Dukes to a laborious  defensive  action,  who  I  culminate  with  the  siege  of  Napoles,  in  1078. The Dukes had to  resign to all the territory, less to Napoli, than I am in ruggero please II D`Altavilla, first King of  unifying Sicily and of the  Mediodia. Two years  despues  of the death of Sergio VII, I complete Duke of Napoles that habia conserved its own  independence under the form of Republica, I enter to comprise of the normano kingdom of Sicily.



